My favorite TV Show

 This blog is one of the most difficult ones, there are a lot of amazing TV shows that I have seen, from my point of view every of these TV Shows that I have seen are pretty good, for this blog I will choose Game Of Thrones (at least until Season 6) I think this is the best TV Show as an adaption from the books but as an original serie it has a lot of problems and things that I didn't like, I liked it because it was the first TV show that made me read a book, also I liked it because when it was being release there was a lot of suspense every Sunday, I've got to confess I love how cold is the history of Game Of Thrones and their characters are amazing, but as I said after season 6 its history was becoming less deep, I think that this is because after season 6 HBO decided to stop adapting the history from the book and that was because George RR Martin haven´t realeased the 6th book yet, as a fan I did'nt expect that HBO could make it worse, I hate to say that I was not right, HBO made it worse and they also did a lot of stuff that were not according to the book (Actually the final chapter is a meme). If you haven't seen Game Of Thrones I would suggest you to see until the 6th season and read the books. 

I like every sort of TV Show, I was thinking to made this blog of How i meet your mother actually but it has been a lot of time since I watched a chapter of that TV Show ( because it was deleted from Netflix ), so as well I love action and fantasy TV Shows I also love suspense and comedic TV Shows, A serie that I would like see right now is Young Sheldon, because the 2th season was released a month ago and I couldn't watch it because of my studies, and I like watching it because it is fun and I use to watch this sort of TV Shows with my family (I think that is because it is absolutely funny).


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