My Future Job

 Personally I think i would really like to work as a scientist in the Pharmaceutical area, I have got a lot of reasons but with everything that happened this year with the COVID-19 I have felt a need to help people and also try to have a good life ( in a economic way), I don't know why but I imagine myself working in a laboratory all day long, our teacher told us once that there are a lot of actives in medicine that have not been discovered yet, and maybe in a couple of years I could discover a new medicament, like I said I see myself doing scientific stuff in a labolatory all day long so I would probably work indoor, but I also would like to try an ondoor work, maybe when I get older I will prefer working ondoor as a teacher doing teorical classes. When i grow up I would like to travel to another country to work, in my past post I told about that I wanted to do an interchange in New Zealand, I really hope to work in some of those countries that I named in my past blog. Talking about the future I would probably say that I want to do a major in Biochemistry when I finish my career, I think that I have not a clear idea about majors so maybe with the years of Pharmaceutical Chemistry I could be more motivated to do mayors and know more about that kind of things.


  1. You must be a person with a lot of patience if you want to dedicate yourself to that.
    I hope you can fulfill your dream of being a scientist in the pharmaceutical field.


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