Countries I'd like to visit


There are actually a lot of countries that I would like to visit almost once, those are, the UK, Nepal, Australia and maybe New Zealand

For this blog im choosing Australia and New Zealand (this was actually a hard choose because i love all of these countries)

                                            New Zealand, Auckland

I've got to say that I don't actually know a lot about places of these countries ,but I know that Australia has a lot of exotic animals, also I know that New Zealand is common to play rugby, I don't have much to say about  places to visit because I don't mind as long as those places are peaceful, actually the main reason why I have chosen these countries is because of how their systems works (except Nepal, they have a lot of places that I would really like to climb), Australia and New Zealand have one of the best public system in the world by the point of a lot of newspaper and news in Chile,  and the only way to know that it is actually true is going to live there, if that really happens Australia and New Zealand would become very good countries to live, I don't care if I have to pay a lot of taxes, right now I'm hooked with New Zealand because my university has a relation with Auckland university, so I would like to travel there to study and maybe if I really like there I would maybe have the idea to live there.


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