My Favorite Movie

 I don't use to watch a lot of movies,  I would prefer to read a comic or just listen to music, because of that I would say that my favorite movie is Batman V Superman.

 I was 15 when I watched it, about that time I really enjoyed reading super heroes comics, I have been a fan of Batman since I am 10 year old, as a fan I was waiting for Batman v Superman day by day to watch it the same day it released, I love that movie because it was tought to show some comics references and a lot of action among the main characters and that happened, I remember that I was really excited when I saw batman doing the same pose that Batman was doing in the title page of: Batman Dark Knight Returns.

 As a conclusion I really liked Batman v Superman, by the way  I would say that my favorite sort of movies are  action and superheroes, like I said I dont use to watch a lot of movies so I could say that my last TV show that i saw was: The Boys.

 This TV show is actually pretty good, I think that this new perspective of how superheroes would be in the real life is perfect for new shows, comics and movies, I would suggest The Boys to everyone who is bored of watching all the time superheroes doing cliche superhero stuff, from my point of view reading and watching superheroes comics/movies/TV shows is one of the best hobbies that someone can have.


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