The best concert ever! "Philip Anselmo and The illegals"

One of the best show that I have been was Phillip Anselmo and the illegals, there are a lot of reasons why this concert is very important for me, the playing was  at Teatro Cariola  it was in February and the first reason of why this concert made a very important memory is because my mom didn't let me go to this concert, so I had to deal with the money and with the transport for the concert, maybe this couldn't sound something to be proud of, but this helped me to be more self-sufficient, the second reason why this show was important is because this concert is actually a tribute to Pantera, my favourite band ever, actually I got all their albums, shirts, posters bought and watching one of the only two  members that are alive performing what Pantera have done in music is amazing, I think Pantera is something I could'nt live with (Actually Pantera more than being a band is a feeling), when I was 14 the only that could make me feel better everyday was listening to them, so actually going to the performance, watching Philip Anselmo angry as always was a pretty good feeling, I remember when i was in the show there were a lot of drunk people jumping and moshing, one of the better moments was when they were performing "A New Level" and we got to sing the chorus with him, the performance lasted almost 90 minutes, I would say i have never been too tired after any performance, actually I was with some friends and we all ended tired and conformed. I got to say that going to this concert was a dream completed.


  1. Hi Juan I believe that the concert was very entertaining, personally I didn't know them, I will listen some of their songs :D


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